Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The shed, and the hubs

I feel a little bad now for making my husband look like a butthead. He really is a great guy. I showed him the shed when he came home tonight, and he was genuinely impressed. He had expected that it would take weeks, or at least days! Even though I spread it over two days, the clean-up honestly only took about four hours. Anyway, he asked what I planned to do with it, now that they shed was clean. I tried, in vain, not to roll my eyes at him, and calmly told him that I plan to get chickens and goats. Once I have some money, that is. He actually wasn't irritated. He even talked about what we were going to do about the roof, before I get animals. Huh? Go figure. lol A funny side note: When my older daughter stopped by, my 8 y/o told her that she was going to be selling lemon aide at the yard sale. "And Courtney,"Mia says. "All of the lemon aide money is going to be mine for the guinea pig I'm going to get". And Courtney, who is so like me, says, "Eww. Why would you want a stinky, noisy, guinea pig? Get a rabbit instead". LOL. Like mother, like daughter. I even found her "bunny crossing" and "Pygmy crossing" signs from the Fair, in that shed. We were trying to figure out what to do with them.

The Shed Is Finished

" We are the champions my friend. And we'll keep on fighting until the end." The shed is FINISHED!!!! Well. it's all cleaned out at least, lol. I even hosed it down. Just don't look at my backyard. Holy cow! It looks like a white trash explosion back there. Tomorrow I will tackle cleaning everything for the yard sale and organizing the rest. Pictures will be taken as soon as soon as the yard is cleaned up. I'm too embarrassed to show that. It's bad enough that my neighbors can see it. My kids were an amazing help. At least my son was. My 8y/o daughter bailed on us after about 15 minutes. Then my oldest daughter came over to see. I think I shocked her, lol.

Monday, October 1, 2012

We have the shed about 3/4 empty now. Not bad for a total of three hours work. I have to get up early tomorrow and finish up. My backyard looks like a dump! Bulky pick-up is two weeks away. I'm hoping my neighbors don't get annoyed , but I'm putting the junk-stuff in the alley now. If we do it neatly, there shouldn't be a problem. No HOA around here. We all get along pretty well. My next door neighbor's landlord trimmed the trees today and practically filled the dumpster,so I can't throw much out. I'm trying to leave room for house garbage. We only have once-a week garbage pick-up and it's not until Saturday. The roof on this shed is trashed. Now I have to figure out what to do with it.I think we'll tear it off and put aluminum panels on it. I'm hoping the beams are good enough that we don't have to replace those. The people before us put electricity in it but had to cut it off when we had the inspector out. It was pretty badly jerry-rigged. My friend is an electrician. I'm hoping he'll give me a good deal to wire it properly this time. I want to put a fan and some light in there. The biggest trick right now, is to keep my husband out of the back yard for a while, lol. He's going to have a fit if he sees this mess. He finally realized what he had gotten himself into last night. I was watching my guilty pleasure, Real Housewives Of NJ, and he had gone to bed. He came out about an hour later and said, "I can't sleep. What exactly are your plans for the shed?" I about fell off of the couch, laughing. That will teach him to dare me.